Shuttle Bus Transfer

We have decided to provide four buses to the VFR club to help the club members transfer themselves to nearby airports from LTBA, LTFJ, LTAC and LTBJ, which are mainly large and not suitable for VFR flights as well. These main airports are not ideal for VFR flights in real life either. These buses will shuttle ...

From LTBA to LTBW-LTBU-LTBH and then back to LTBA from LTFJ to LTBQ-LTBR and then back to LTFJ from LTBJ to LTFB-LTBD and then back to LTBJ from LTAC to LTAD and then back to LTAC

This service is only for VFR Club members. Like other LTBA-LTFJ shuttle bus services, you have to make a flight to use it again.